
Portland Press Herald, February 28

To the editor,

While I don’t live in South Portland District 122, I follow every election, because every representative represents me. I give my strong support for House Seat 122 to Matt Beck. I have known Matt for 25 years, and what is unwavering is his honesty, integrity and dedication to our democracy. He remains solid in his positions on healthcare, gun safety, the opioid crisis, women’s right to choose, union rights and more. He does not change parties on a whim to make it work at that moment, even though he recognizes the shortcomings of our system.

While he sees things not always working smoothly, he knows that change happens slowly and carefully, and he acknowledges that there are more than two sides to an issue. If there is a need for an open mind and working across the aisle, Beck is the person to elect. Matt listens and works toward resolution, however that can happen. A creative thinker, Matt is comfortable with disagreement, seeing it as a way to hear all points.

We are living in difficult times, and we need leaders who understand our past while looking for solutions in our future. Matt has been a long-standing resident of South Portland, a political leader for his entire lifetime, and a person recognized as a trusted friend to many. Approachable and accessible, Matt is ready to get to know you too, whether you live in District 122 or not. It doesn’t matter; your voice is important to him. Please vote on March 5 for Matthew Beck, state representative, District 122.

Rosemarie De Angelis
South Portland

Portland Press Herald, February 20

To the editor,

I have met and spoken with Matt Beck and I am very impressed with his continued commitment to working for the good of the community. A few highlights of what he has done include working as a union organizer for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and being an AFL-CIO delegate to the Southern Maine Labor Council.

Also, he has been a South Portland delegate to the Portland Water District. In his speech at the Democratic caucus, one could hear his strong desire to continue working for the benefit of the people of South Portland and for the state as a whole. He received an overwhelming vote to fill out the term of Lois Reckitt. He is familiar with the workings of the Maine State Legislature and will be a great addition to the to the Maine House of Representatives.

I highly recommend voting for Matt Beck, Democrat for House on or before the special election day on March 5.

Abby Huntoon
South Portland

To the editor,

The person we elect to take the late Lois Reckitt’s seat in Augusta will have to hit the ground running the day they enter the State House. That’s why I am voting for Matthew Beck in South Portland’s March 5 special election.

Matt is tireless in his work for justice, a loving father and great neighbor. Having known Matt and his wife Denice for over 25 years, when our children’s’ friendships forged ours, I’ve witnessed Matt’s successful citizen work in the Legislature, fighting for laws to create good jobs, affordable housing, quality healthcare and protecting the environment.

A vote for Matt makes him even more effective on the other side of the legislative table. His citizen legislative experience coupled with his fresh perspective, kindness and intelligence gives us the best of both worlds.

I encourage all in House District 122 to vote for Matt Beck at the polls or by early voting at city hall or with an absentee ballot before Feb. 29.
Matt Beck is the commonsense leader that South Portland needs right now.

Donna Yellen
South Portland

Portland Press Herald, January 31

To the editor,

I am voting for Matt Beck to represent my district, HD 122, in the state legislature. He has lived in South Portland for more than 30 years, and in talking with him, it’s clear that he cares deeply about our city. It is critical that we have caring leadership at this time, especially given the damage our waterfront suffered from the storm we recently endured. House District 122 is especially vulnerable and will need someone committed to helping develop effective contingency plans for sea-level rise.

Matt also shares my concerns about the lack of affordable housing for people who work in South Portland and the need to keep our families safe from gun violence. Having worked in a shelter for abused women, I know especially the dangers women and children face when guns and anger combine. Matt favors universal background checks and restricting the sale of assault weapons. He recognizes that mental health and substance abuse factor into gun violence and needs to be addressed by our public health system.

I learned that Matt has worked much of his adult life to support unions, which will make him a strong advocate for working families in South Portland. I believe Matt Beck will be an excellent representative for HD 122 and all South Portland.

Please go to the polls on Tuesday, March 5, for Maine’s special election. You can also vote in person at city hall or request an absentee ballot no later than Feb. 29.

Rachel Burger

South Portland Sentry, February 12

To the editor,

I write to encourage all Maine voters to participate in the upcoming March 5 presidential primary, and encourage those in South Portland’s House District 122 to participate in the special election to fill the House seat left vacant by the death of Rep. Lois Galgay Reckitt. In particular, I encourage support for the candidacy of Matthew Beck, who, when elected, will fill that role with the same passion and commitment to human rights that Lois Reckitt did.

Since 2016, I have worked closely with Matt on the executive committee of South Portland Democrats. As chair, Matt has provided steady, calm, strong leadership, often by example, consistently turning out for meetings, rallies, hearings and canvasses. As a union organizer for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, he worked for decades to protect the rights of employees in a time of unprecedented worker exploitation.

As a state representative, he will do that and more, working tirelessly to promote gun safety and affordable housing, protect abortion rights and equal rights, mitigate climate change and protect natural resources, and address mental health and substance use disorders.
Personally, I know Matt to be utterly honest, unselfish and committed to community, and a loyal and trustworthy friend. I look forward to South Portlanders of District 122 and all citizens of Maine to know him as a state representative of integrity and effectiveness when elected on March 5.

Andrea Thompson McCall
South Portland
To the editor,

After my late wife, Lois Reckitt, began her legislative service, she repeatedly told me and others that she wanted Matt Beck to replace her when she completed her final term. Lois had known Matt for many years and saw him as having the knowledge, intelligence, work ethic, and compassion for the less fortunate that would make him a worthy successor. He also was a strong supporter of the ERA and LGBTQ+ rights and of her work with domestic abuse survivors. They saw eye-to-eye on pretty much everything.

In fact, when modifications were made to legislative districts after the 2020 census, she told me the first thing she did was to make sure Matt’s house would still be in her district before she told leadership she was OK with the changes.

Matt Beck and Denise raised their three sons in South Portland, but no matter how busy his work and family lives were, we knew we could call on Matt when something needed to be done, such as installing railings and handles to help with mobility issues. Just last summer we called him to help get a chipmunk out of the house. We built barricades and dismantled a radiator cover to get it to move along. We had a good laugh when it scooted out the open door when we weren’t looking.

Matt is a dear friend, a good neighbor and a man of integrity. I agree with Lois that he is the right person to preserve her legacy and carry it forward. Please join me in voting for Matt Beck for the Maine House in South Portland’s special election on Tuesday, March 5.

Lyn Carter
South Portland

Portland Press Herald, February 11th 

Former Rep. Bliss supports Beck for House District 122

As a former member of the House and the Senate representing South Portland and Cape Elizabeth, I still keep my eye on Maine. Now I see that Matthew Beck is running for the seat Lois Galgay Reckitt left open when she recently passed away. I could not think of a better candidate. Mr. Beck is a hard-working champion of the people. I often spoke with him about issues, and have always trusted his view of how to improve the lives of Maine’s people. Mr. Beck does, indeed, always put people first.

I urge those living in House District 122 to be sure to vote in the March special election, and to cast your ballot for Matthew Beck.

Lawrence Bliss
Hayward, California

Letters to the Editor, January 23, 2024

To the editor,

Matt Beck is running for the Maine House of Representatives from District 122 to complete the term left unfinished after the death of Lois Galgay Reckitt’s. There is critical work to be done. Matt has the experience, ability, and passion to address the critical, interrelated issues of our time: housing affordability; health care as a human right; reproductive choice; gun safety and substance use disorders as joint public health crises; an economy that provides jobs with living wages; and protecting our environment from further devastation through climate change.

Matt and his family have lived in Maine since 1987. He gained insights into social and economic issues through work as a TV director and producer. Traveling Maine as a union organizer, he heard the concerns of working people. Additionally, he chaired the South Portland Democratic Committee for 20 years. His personal and professional background gives Matt the knowledge and skills that will make him an effective representative for South Portland.

Please vote for Matt Beck in the special election on March 5, the same day as the presidential primary. Ballots should be available in city hall by Feb. 5, after which you can vote there in-person Monday through Thursday during normal business hours. If you’d prefer an absentee ballot, you can request one no later than Feb. 29. House Legislative District 122 includes Ferry Village, Willard and coastal areas, Knightville, part of Meetinghouse Hill and areas along and south of Broadway.

Check your address and vote. March 5 is an important election.

Susan Henderson, South Portland

Candidate appreciates party support, January 9, 2024

To the Editor,

The week before Christmas, about 100 South Portland Democrats gathered at the Community Center for a caucus to select a candidate to complete the term of our beloved state representative, Lois Reckitt, who passed away in late October. The large and enthusiastic turnout on short notice was remarkable during the busy holiday season. I’m grateful to the 67 Democrats from House District 122 who voted to support my candidacy. Thank you. 

When an elected state representative or senator is unable or unwilling to complete their term in office, a caucus is how all the political parties in Maine select replacement candidates to run in a special election. For registered voters in the easternmost section of South Portland, that special election will be held on Tuesday, March 5, the same day as Maine’s presidential primaries.

If elected, I intend to honor the legacy of Lois Reckitt by continuing her focus on speaking up and fighting for the voiceless and improving the lives of middle- and working-class families. I look forward to meeting as many voters as possible in the coming weeks. You may see me at your door one of these days. I urge everyone to remember to vote on Tuesday, March 5, or consider voting early either by requesting a ballot or at city hall to make sure your vote is counted.

For more information about my campaign for state representative and to be in touch with me, please go online to mattbeckformaine.org

Matt Beck

Candidate has the background, experience, January 16, 2024

To the editor,

With her untimely death, esteemed Maine lawmaker Lois Galgay Reckitt left a legacy that will be hard to fulfill. Fortunately, Lois’s longtime friend and hoped-for successor, Matt Beck, has risen to the challenge. He will be running for State House representative for South Portland’s HD 122 in the special election slated for Tuesday, March 5, the same day as the presidential primary.

Like Lois, Matt has a long history of service in Maine. He has chaired the South Portland Democratic Committee for 20 years and has been active in politics since the age of 14. A recently-retired union organizer, Matt has worked hard to improve the lives of working Mainers and their families.

The Southern Maine Labor Council recognized him with a Lifetime Working Class Hero Award at its annual Labor Day breakfast in September. Among Matt’s top priorities are gun safety, truly affordable housing and protecting the environment.
He will honor Lois’s legacy of justice and equality and is well suited to continue her initiatives while representing HD 122’s values in Augusta. We need a representative with historical knowledge, strong negotiating skills and a commitment to Maine’s future to represent us in the State House. Matt Beck has the experience, background and time to be a strong representative for us.

Please vote for Matt Beck by going to the polls on Tuesday, March 5, or in advance at city hall or by requesting an absentee ballot no later than Feb. 29.

Linden Thigpen
South Portland


Candidates vie for House District 122 in special election
South Portland Sentry, January 24th. By Rebecca Richard

Governor Janet Mills to declared a vacancy for the unexpired term ending December 2024 in State Representative House District 122. The decision followed considerable public input urging the council to fill the vacant seat, left by the death of Lois Galgay Reckitt on Oct. 31, 2023.

The special election date is March 5. The three candidates, Tristram Howard, Brendan Williams and Matt Beck, are in the running.Matthew Beck noted his close friendship with and Lois Galgay Reckitt. “As longtime chair of the South Portland Democratic Committee, Lois and I became close friends over the years and she always encouraged me to run for this seat when she completed her terms in the Legislature,” Beck said.
Beck said he believes in public service and advocating for people who don’t always have a voice in the community. “My recent retirement from my full-time job as a union organizer meant that I now can fully devote myself to doing this important work,” Beck said.

Beck stressed the importance of a pro-labor majority in the legislature. “It’s important to have a substantial pro-labor majority in the legislature so that employers know we will monitor their obligation to abide by the National Labor Relations Act, and so that workers know we have their backs when they try to exercise their rights to form a union on the job,” he said.

Regarding his priorities, Beck elaborated on specific policy initiatives he plans to pursue if elected. “I’ll support an assault weapons ban, universal background checks for all gun sales, mandatory waiting periods for gun sales and a real ‘Red Flag’ law,” Beck said. On affordable housing, he said, “I support a housing bond to create a variety of housing options to rent or purchase for low-to-medium income earners and those on fixed incomes.”

In addressing the opioid epidemic, Beck said, “We will never turn the tide on this scourge until we fully commit to addressing substance use disorders as a public health crisis, and not as a law enforcement problem.” On environmental advocacy, Beck said, “I will support additional steps to curb our dependence on fossil fuels and make our buildings more energy efficient while calling out polluters who put the health of our people and our planet at risk to enhance their profits.”

Maine Morning Star
Matthew Beck running to complete term of late Lois Reckitt in District 122

BY: ANNMARIE HILTON - December 14, 2023 9:18 PM

Longtime South Portland resident Matthew Beck announced his plans to run for the open seat in the Maine House of Representatives. 

The seat is open after state Rep. Lois Reckitt died in late October. Beck, a Democrat, also intends to run in the election next November for a full term, according to a news release Thursday. 

“I had the good fortune to know Lois for many years and while it would be a tall order to try to fill her shoes, I intend to do all I can to continue her focus on justice, equality and equal rights,” Beck said in the release.

Beck, who recently retired as a union organizer for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, seeks to represent District 122, the easternmost section of South Portland. His priorities will include gun safety, affordable housing, workers rights, the opioid epidemic, reproductive choice and the environment, the release said.

Beck has used his role as an elected Trustee representing South Portland and Cape Elizabeth for the Portland Water District to protect Sebago Lake, the release said. Previously, he was part of the Maine Climate Council’s Energy Working Group and the Legislative Committee of the Maine AFL-CIO.

He and his wife Denise raised three children in South Portland. 

The Democratic Party will select their candidate next Wednesday at the South Portland Community Center. A special election will be held on Tuesday, March 5 — the same day as the presidential primary — in House District 122. 

The Forecaster: A comparision on issues by Drew Johnson, February 14:
